Who Can/Can't Donate

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Who Can/Can't Donate Blood

Who Can Donate Blood:

  1. Age:

    The universally accepted criteria for donor selection are between 18 and 60 years. Hemoglobin - not less than 12.5 g/Dl. Pulse - between 50 and 100/minute with no irregularities.

  2. Weight:

    Donors in normal health having a body weight of 45 kg or more.

  3. General Health:

    Donors should be in good health condition. donors should be deferred following any acute infection until they are fully recovered and no longer infectious.

  4. Hemoglobin Levels:

    The NIH Blood Bank and Platelet Center check Female blood donors must have a hemoglobin level of at least 12.5 g/dL and male blood donors must have a hemoglobin level of at least 13.0 g/dL.

  5. Medications:

    Some medications can affect blood donation eligibility. Donors should inform the blood donation center of any medications they are taking.

  6. Medical Procedures:

    Recent any-kind of medical issues. surgeries, or dental work may result in discontinuation, depending on the occurrence.

  7. Tattoos and Piercings:

    There can be donated blood but 6 months after getting a tattoo or piercing.

Who Cannot Donate Blood:

  1. Infectious Diseases:

    Donors with infectious diseases, such as HIV & AIDS and some king of health diseases are usually not eligible to donate blood.

  • Individuals who have received a blood transfusion in the past 12 months may be temporarily ineligible.
  • Under treatment with antibiotics or any other medication.
  • Cardiac problems, hypertension, epilepsy, diabetes (on insulin therapy), history of cancer,chronic kidney or liver disease, bleeding tendencies, venereal disease etc.
  • Major surgery in the last 6 months.
  • Vaccination in the last 24 hours.